Assemble — Vue HYD #1

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  • Talk

    Designing Interfaces with Accessibility in Mind - 40mins

    With more than billion people with various disabilities across the world it is high time that businesses rethink their strategy to address this growing market. In this talk we will be covering few topics on how to design accessible interfaces.
    Raghavendra Satish Peri

    Raghava is a digital accessibility evangelist working at Deque Systems as Senior Accessibility Consultant breaking web accessibility & mobile accessibility challenges. He authors an Accessibility Blog & is galvanising the adoption of accessibility by inspiring the local tech community with meetups and mentorship. When away from his computer, Raghava can be found at local cafes & restaurants sampling cuisines, attending local meetups, listening to audio books or writing on his Personal Blog.

  • Talk

    How to Optimize your NuxtJS Web App - 40mins

    In real webapp, we are using large number of packages/libraries, plugins, vuex, vue-router, etc. When it comes to speed, it's largely dependent on how we code and define our overall architecture. I'll deep-dive into how can you analyse vuejs bundle using bundle analyzer and improve your site's speed by using different webpack features such as lazy loading, re-defining imports and others.
    Tarun Mangukiya

    I am Co-founder and CTO at Iconscout. I am working on different technologies such as VueJS, Nuxt, GraphQL, Serverless, DevOps, etc. Currently, I am deeply looking into overall architecture of Iconscout.

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